Acrylic Latex

Satin Finish for Walls, Woodwork, Masonry, Interior & Exterior

Old Village is pleased to present our new Vintage Paint Colours. They can be readily seen on doors, shutters, and windows throughout Europe, in France, Spain, Italy, Germany and Scandinavia. This is not an unlikely happenstance since many of us came from those parts of the world and brought our colour preferences with us. vintage colour chart

Indeed, I well remember selling colours very similar to these over the counter at our family paint store on Fourth Street in Old Philadelphia then called C. Schrack & Company. That was back in the late 1930s and early 1940’s. Those were the days before alkyd vehicles or latex resins were developed and linseed oil and lead were used exclusively for outside paints. Prior to this painters made their own paints.

Painters were required to serve an apprenticeship and were not allowed to work for themselves until achieving the title, “Master Painters

Over the counter sales were to painters, artists, and wood finishers, since sales to the consumer had not really been established. The cost of a gallon of high quality linseed oil outside white house paint was about $2.95 per gallon.

Much has happened to the paint industry since then, so we are pleased to bring you a small portion of history with these lovely Vintage Colours and hope you enjoy them.colour chart