One of the oldest and most colourful areas in the world is the southern most portion of France known as Provence facing the Mediterranean Sea. Old Village Paints invites you to experience Le Savoir Vivre des Francais ~ the flavor of French life.
Our collection of “French” couleurs found throughout this Region will lift your spirits, as they did to inspire the famous Masters Picasso, Van Gogh, and Cezanne, all of whom lived and painted here. The magnificent gardens of Provence contributed to our unusual collection. Also included are interesting couleurs from the well known Ochre Cliffs of Rousillon, a picturesque village in Provence. These Latex Water Base Paint Couleurs will take you wherever your imagination goes, indoors or out. They may also be mixed with white to create many lovely shades. We hope you have as much fun using these new and inspiring “Couleurs de Provence” as we did in finding and reproducing them.
One last word, use good painting practices. Be sure the surface is clean. Sand lightly or prime if you are going over oil paint. Thin and clean up with water. Use a good brush, don’t hurry, and have a good time.