painted floor border

The Work Drives The Artist

Many thanks to Charles Anthony for sharing his work and his passion with us!

Happy Monday (or perhaps not!)

As you asked about seeing the finished stencil project to my circa 1812-89 Home, here are some views of the finished work. The room is 16×12 ft., with all the odd quirks that come with an old house.

There are 04 coats of primer to the very 20th-century floor. The two coats of your paint, with a full days drying time between them[ it has rained for most of a week, I was concerned about humidity]. Thus by 2039hrs the other night, the floor was ready for the stencil from “MB Historic décor” and your “Soldier Blue” paint. And by 0230hrs the stencil work was done! I could not stop in mid-work for bed, the work drives the artist, I would say.

The polyurethane I put on in the morning, 06 hours after the blue paint was applied. It took more than two days to dry- leaving me a ‘wreck’ and guessing IF it would dry, ever. But, your advice was sound and correct. The stuff did dry and it leaves a fine sheen to the flat finish.
As you will note in the images I send, I had to make some ‘creative choices’ in stencil placement. One sample is shown. The doorway to the kitchen is deep and narrow[by modern standards]. Thus I ran the normal course of stencils around the floor perimeter; and added one extra stencil design just above, and centered in the door opening. “The Man in the Mirror’ thought it would look odd and forgotten if there was a large blank space left.

I took your paint cans down to the local Aubuchoun Hardware store for a free shake. I got talking to the paint clerk about your paint (and they have seen the results of my work and your paint, before; this is a small town) and they wanted to photograph the cans and I gave them the flyer from this order. They are in hopes of being able to carry your line of paints. I hope so too, but past experience with the Hardware Chains’ main office tells me they will not agree. It seems “Ben Moore” might yell more loudly than “Old Village Paint”. However; the clerks know of the paint, its uses, and my volunteering to assist a customer—so if there is a customer in need of your paint, the store clerks know who to call.
Pardon me, this is too long! I trust you will enjoy a ‘romp’ the images.

As ever;
Mr. Charles Anthony

wood floor art border
painted floor stencil

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