American Window Pediments – My Story American Made, by Roy Brown

Our Story began in the mid 1970’s when I had a small family with 2 toddlers and though I was working my 40 hour a week job the $86.00 a week as a graphic artist, it just wasn’t enough. 

I added a night shift job to supplement our income and continued on that tight rope for a while.  A friend had a building materials supply house and did Roofing and Siding as well.  He asked me if I could work a Saturday for him, I was eager to help and the big surprise at the end of the day was $50.00 WOW you would have thought we hit the lottery!  Besides the help to meet some of our needs I realized I really enjoyed the work…I was hooked!  

I worked as a subcontractor for a while and then I decided to take the plunge and start my own business.  I removed asbestos siding and replaced it with aluminum siding. I began roofing and then hired some help and that’s the beginning of my new business venture.

As work increased in the area, I noticed many other contractors covering the original beautiful wood trim on homes with flat rippled aluminum or faded shadow lines in attempt to look like the original trim.  I had a number of customers who requested the trims on their home be covered with aluminum that looked like wood. I took the challenge and soon designed a crown out of aluminum that my customers loved.  I continued to work and grow that business and with help and people who believed in my work I was able to sell it after 50 years.

During that time, in the mid 1980’s, I was approached about making specialty window cross heads in aluminum. This was something I hadn’t thought about, but the idea was intriguing. 

That is when American Window Pediments or AWP was born. And I have been fabricating Aluminum and Copper Window Pediments now for 41 years.  

As the years went on, I worked to perfect the details and after thousands of Window Pediments we have perfected our product and style and offer our customers aesthetically pleasing custom window, door and garage Pediments, sometimes referred to as Cross Heads.

American Window Pediments fabricate our styles in metal the aluminum that can be painted.

American Window Pediments offers various standard window sizes; Single, Double, Triple and Garage Size

American Window Pediments are flashed for installation and can be installed on Siding, Stucco and Brick applications, preferably new construction or re-siding, replacing stucco, brick etc.

American Window Pediments is something we don’t have to do, it is something we thoroughly enjoy because we have the passion and know how to create, modify and replicate one project after the other.

 Contact Roy Brown ~ Call or Text ~ 267-451-6788,
Email ~

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